
Quotes - Export

You can use the Export button to export the Quotes data grid information to Excel.

Ribbon Select Sales > Quotes

  • The Sales Quotes listing screen will be displayed.

Select Site and Status

  • Select the Site you wish to work in.
    • In this image, KwaZulu-Natal has been selected.
  • Select the Status.
    • The Sales Quotes listing screen opens in the N - New Quote Status by default.
    • Click on the drop-down arrow to change the Status.
    • The example has Customer Accepted Quote selected and will list all the Customer Accepted Quotes in the Quotes listing screen.
    • You can Export a Quote list in any Status.

  • Click on a Column Header to quickly sort the data in Ascending or Descending order.
  • In this image, the data grid has been sorted by Quote Reference in Ascending order.
  • Click on the Export action button.

  • This will open Excel with a new spreadsheet and load all the data from the data grid into that spreadsheet.
  • You can then view the data, search for data, prepare the spreadsheet for printing, etc.

  • Close the spreadsheet screen when you are done.

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