
Parts - Add Part Definition Details

Part Definition (or Inventory Definition) describes and defines a part.

A Part Definition is a way of classifying a part when dealing with inventory.

Keeping good records of parts is critical to inventory management.

When adding a new Part Definition to the system, it is important to include as much information as possible about the part to differentiate it from other similar parts.

The Add new Part screen details will differ slightly for a C-Class Part Definition compared to an A or B-Class Part Definition.

The differences are set out below.

Ribbon Select Inventory > Parts

  • The Part Listing screen will open.
  • The data grid will display a list of all the part definitions currently on the system.
  • Click on Add.

  • The Add new Part screen will be displayed.
  • The part definition details section is on the left-hand side of the screen.

Add A-Class Part Definition Details

In this example, an A-Class part definition will be added to the system.

Select the check box, type in or use the drop-down arrow to add the required information to the following fields:

  • Part Code: Type in the unique A-Class part definition number.
  • Description: Type in a text description for this A-Class part definition.
  • Model No: Type in a valid supplier model number for this A-Class part definition, if applicable.

  • Taxable: Select this check box if this part is taxable.
  • Tax Rate: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the tax code applicable to this part. These tax rates are set up in the Configurator.
  • Category: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the category applicable to this part.

Note: The Category selected here will affect the Sites and Warehouses that are available for selection in the Defaults panel. See Add and Edit a Category for more information.

Note: You will only be able to add a depreciation method here if this is a serialised equipment item (Class-A), or a serialised spares item (Class-B). Otherwise the field will be greyed out (inactive).

Note: A part definition must have at least one site selected in the Defaults panel. If none are linked, you will not be able to Save the part definition details.

C-Class Non-Serialised Parts

The process to add C-ClassClosed These are low cost, non-serialised items that can be received in batches. Non-Serialised part definitions differs in the following way:

  • The Depreciation Method field will automatically grey out (become inactive). Depreciation does not apply to C--Class parts.
  • The Part Meters panel will automatically grey out (become inactive). C-Class parts do not have meters linked to them.

Add C-Class Non-Serialised Part Definition Details

Navigate to the Add new Part screen.

Select the check box, type in or use the drop-down arrow to add the required information to the following fields:

  • Part Code: Type in the C-Class part definition number.
  • Description: Type in a text description for this C-Class part definition.
  • Model No: Type in a valid supplier model number for this C-Class part definition, if applicable.

  • Note that, after the C-Class Part Type is selected, the Depreciation Method field and Part Meters panel greys out, and becomes inactive.
  • Only a serialised equipment item, A-Class, or a serialised spares item, B-Class, can have depreciation applied.

  • Taxable: Select this check box if this part is taxable.
  • Tax Rate: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the tax code applicable to this part. These tax rates are set up in the Configurator.
  • Category: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the category applicable to this part.

Note: The category selected here will affect the Sites and Warehouses that are available for selection in the Defaults panel. See Add and Edit a category for more information.

  • Maintenance Craft: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the default craftClosed A craft is the skill set or qualification(s) linked to an employee. (skill) utilised when maintaining this part.
  • Manufacturer: Click on the search button and select the manufacturer of this part.
  • Default Fee: Click on the drop-down arrow and select from the list, the default fee associated with this part, if applicable.
  • Duty Cycle: Click on the arrows to choose the operational cycle or usage pattern of this part. For non-serialised C--Class parts, the duty cycle represents how frequently they are used or replaced within a given time frame.
  • Life Cycle: Click on the arrows to choose the life cycle of this part. Non-serialised C--Class parts follow a simple life cycle - procurement, storage, usage and replenishment.

Once you have filled in the mandatory details and the optional details, as required -

Follow the process to Add the Part Definition Defaults.

Note: A part definition must have at least one Site and Warehouse selected in the Defaults panel. If none are linked, you will not be able to Save the part definition details.

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