
Services - Edit a Service

Ribbon Select Sales > Services

  • The Service listing screen will be displayed.
  • The Site filter will be set according to your company configuration. If required, select the Site you wish to work in.

Note: Refer to Site Selection for more information.

  • The State filter will default to 'Active' upon opening and must remain in this state to Edit a service.

Note: Refer to State/Type Selections for more information.

  • Select the row of the Service where you wish to make changes.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Short cut key: Right click on a row in the data grid to display the Process menu list. Click on Edit.

  • The Edit Service Code: [ ] screen will display.

  • Make the changes required to the Service Details and Defaults frame(s) as required.
    • In this image, the Description has been changed from Education to Education and Professional Training, and Western Cape has been added to the Defaults list.
  • Click on Save.

  • You will return to the Service Listing screen.
  • The Edited Service has been updated.

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