
Services - Purchase Requisitions

A Service Request gets raised for a Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order for a Third Party Sub-Contracting Service. For example where a service that a Customer requires, but needs to be performed by another company.

Ribbon Select Sales > Services

  • The Service listing screen will be displayed.
  • The Site filter will be set according to your company configuration. If required, select the Site where the service can be located.
    • The example has KwaZulu-Natal selected.

Note: Refer to Site Selection for more information.

  • The State filter will default to 'Active' upon opening and must not be changed for this process.

Note: Refer to State/Type Selections for more information.

  • Select the row of the Service you wish to list purchase requisitions for.
  • Click on the Requisitions tile in the Links panel.

  • The Purchase Requisitions for Service [ ] list screen will be displayed.
  • All the services that have been created will display on the screen.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow to select the correct Site.
    • In this image, KwaZulu-Natal has been selected.

Add Purchase Requisition for Service

  • Click on Add.

  • The What type of request is this? message will be displayed.
    • Requisition options available on the screen:
      • Part requisition - Select this option if you are creating a Part Requisition for a service.
      • Service requisition - Select this option if you are creating a Service Requisition.
      • Template - Select this option if you use a template to base the requisition on a preloaded Requisition Template.
  • Click on the radio button of the option you require.
    • The example has Part requisition selected.
  • Click on Accept.

  • The Add new Requisition screen will be displayed.
  • Complete the Part or Service Requisition and then click on Save.

For details on completing the Part Requisition refer to Requisitions - Add, Edit, Delete Item Supplier

For details on completing the Service Requisition refer to Service Requests - Add Service Request

Edit Purchase Requisition

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [ ] screen -
  • Select the row of the Purchase Requisition you wish to edit.
  • Click on Edit.

  • The Edit Requisition - [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • The example has a Delivery Fee added to the Requisition.
  • After making the relevant changes to the Requisition, click on Save.

For details on completing the Part Requisition refer to Requisitions - Add, Edit, Delete Item Supplier

For details on completing the Service Requisition refer to Service Requests - Add Service Request

Delete a Purchase Requisition

By deleting a requisition, you are in fact Closing the Requisition by changing the Status to C - Closed.

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service PR[ ] screen -
  • Click on the row of the Purchase Requisition you wish to close.
  • Click on Delete.

  • When you receive the Confirm close message -
    • Are you sure you want to close this purchase requisition(PR)?
  • Click on Yes if you are certain about your selection.

  • You will receive the Process Validation message to confirm -
    • Are you sure that you want to close requisition [ ]?
  • Click on Yes if you are certain about your selection.

  • Next, the Requisition - Process message will inform you that -
    • The requisition no. [ ], has been closed successfully.
  • Click on OK.

  • Note the Status has changed to [C] to indicate that the Purchase Requisition has been Closed.
  • Click on Back or Close the screen to return to the Service Listing Screen.

View a Purchase Requisition

When viewing a purchase requisition, no changes can be made to the requisition information, it is view only.

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [ ] screen -
  • Click on the row of the Purchase Requisition you wish to view.
  • Click on View.

  • The Edit Requisition - [] screen will display the Requisition information for the requisition you have selected.
  • Click on Back to return to the Service Listing screen.

Place Requisition on Hold

A Purchase Requisition can only be placed on Hold when in the Released or Approved Status.

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [service code] screen -
  • Click on the row of the requisition you wish to place on Hold.

    Note the Status for the example as R - Released.

  • Click on Hold.
  • Short cut key: Right click on the selected row to display a Process menu, click on Hold.

  • When you receive the Hold Comment screen,
  • Click in the text area to type a comment or reason for placing the requisition on hold.
  • Click on Save.

  • When you receive the Requisition - Process message to confirm -
    • The requisition no. [ ], has been placed on hold successfully.
  • Click on OK.

Note the Status for the requisition that you have placed on Hold has changed to N - New.

Release Requisition for Approval

A Purchase Requisition can only be released for approval when the total value is more than R0, the items have a quantity greater than 0, and all parts have a supplier cost linked.

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [ ] screen -
  • Click on the row of the requisition you wish to release for approval.
  • Click on Release.
  • Short cut key: Right click on the selected row to display a Process menu, click on Release.

  • When you receive the Requisition - Process message to confirm -
    • The requisition no. [ ], has been released successfully.
  • Click on OK.

  • The requisition status has changed from N - New to R - Released.

Approve Requisition

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [ ] screen -
  • Click on the row of the requisition you wish to approve.
  • Click on Approve.
  • Short cut key: Right click on the selected row to display a Process menu, click on Approve.

  • When you receive the Process Validation message to confirm -
    • Are you sure that you want to authorise requisition PR[ ]?
  • Click on Yes.

  • When you receive the Requisition - Process message to confirm -
    • Authorisation for requisition no. [ ], has been successful.
  • Click on OK.

  • A View Purchase Orders message appear asking -
    • Do you wish to view the new purchase order?
  • Click on Yes if you want a quick link to the newly raised purchase order in order to view or print the order.
  • Click on No if you want to remain in the Purchase Requisition listing screen.

For a detailed handling of the topic refer to Release for or Remove from Approval.

Decline a Purchase Requisition

A Purchase Requisition can only be Declined when in the Released Status.

  • From the Purchase Requisitions for Service [] screen -
  • Select the row of the requisition you wish to decline.
  • Click on Decline.
  • Short cut key: Right click on the selected row to display a Process menu, click on Decline.

  • When you receive the Process Validation message to confirm -
    • Are you sure that you want to decline requisition [ ]?
  • Click on Yes.

  • When you receive the Rejection Comment screen -
  • Click in the text area to type a comment or reason for declining the requisition.
  • Click on Save.

  • When you receive the Requisition - Process message to confirm -
    • The requisition no. [ ], has been declined.
  • Click on OK.

  • The requisition status has changed from R - Released to D - Declined.

For a detailed handling of the topic refer to Release for or Remove from Approval.

Clone Requisition

Only requisitions that originated from the Stock Status screen can be cloned.

Refer to Parts - Requisitions - Clone Requisition for information on how to Clone a Requisition.

Related Topics

Sales Services - Add a Service

Sales Services - Edit a Service

Sales Services - Delete a Service

Sales Services - View a Service

Sales Services - Link a Supplier

Sales Services - Add a Purchase Requisition

Sales Services - Purchase Orders

Sales Services - View Service Request List

Sales Services - Items Supplied Add / Link Supplier

Sales Services - Items Supplied Edit Supplier

Sales Services - Items Supplied Delete Supplier