
Services - Items Supplied

From the Items Supplied tile in the Links panel, you can -

The system facilitates multiple suppliers per service definition, but only one supplier is marked as the primary supplier and will be the default supplier when purchase requisitions are raised. This can be changed on the purchase requisition if the stock is sourced from a different supplier.

Each time a service is purchased from the primary supplier, the unit cost will be updated to the latest purchase price.

Note that the expected delivery date is calculated based on the purchase order date, plus the lead time.

Ribbon Select Sales > Services

  • The Service listing screen will be displayed.
  • The Site filter will be set according to your company configuration. If required, select the Site where the service can be located.
    • The example has KwaZulu-Natal selected.

Note: Refer to Site Selection for more information.

  • The State filter will default to 'Active' upon opening and must not be changed for this process.

Note: Refer to State/Type Selections for more information.

  • Select the row of the Service you wish to link a supplier to.
  • Click on the Items Supplied tile in the Links panel.

  • The Suppliers for Service - [ ] screen will be displayed.
  • Here, you can view a list of all the suppliers currently linked and providing services.
  • Click on Add.
  • Short cut key: Right click on a row in the data grid to display the Process menu list. Click on Add.

The system will automatically place the linked supplier on a newly created requisition when a supplier has been linked to a service definition, along with the unit cost and lead time linked to that supplier.

  • The Maintenance of Service Supply Item [ ] screen will be displayed.

Supplier Identification

  • Service: This field will populate with the service code selected in the previous screen.
  • Description: This field will populate with the service code description selected in the previous screen.
  • Supplier: To link the supplier click on the search button.
    • The Select a supplier to configure the supply info screen will display.
    • Click on the row of the supplier you wish to link to the service.
    • Click on OK.

Default Warranty Details

  • Apply Warranty: Mark this check box if the Warranty selected in the previous field should be linked to the service.


  • Unit Cost: Type in the cost per unit.
  • Base Unit Cost: This field is greyed out as it is not editable by the user. The system will calculate this figure according to the entries in the Unit Cost and Exchange Rate fields. If the supplier Currency is the same as the company's currency, and the Exchange Rate field is blank, then the Base Unit Cost figure will be the same as the Unit Cost figure.
  • Lead TimeClosed The lead time is the amount of time between when an order is placed with a supplier and the time that order is delivered and received by the company. (Days): Type in the lead time (in days). The expected delivery date for the service is calculated based on the Purchase Order date, plus the supplier lead time.
  • Contract No: If you have a contract with the Supplier, type in the contract number or leave this field blank if not applicable.
  • Page No: If you have a contract with the Supplier, type in the contract page number that relates to this part or leave this field blank if not applicable.
  • Contract Part No: If you have a contract with the Supplier, type in the part number agreed to on this contract or leave this field blank if not applicable.
  • Unit of Purchase: Type in the unit that ties up with this service, if applicable. Usually the default of 'ea' (each) is used.
  • Minimum Order Qty: This is the minimum the supplier will supply per order. For example, a supplier may have a minimum of 10 items per order.
  • Catalog No: Type in the catalogue number as per the supplier's catalogue, if applicable.
  • When you have finished adding the details for the Supplier, click on Save.

  • You will return to the Suppliers for Service screen.
  • When you receive the Item Supply Processing message to confirm that -
    • Item supply configuration for service: [ ] and supplier [ ] complete.
  • Click on OK.

  • The Supplier details for the service you have linked will be listed on the Suppliers for Service [ ] screen.
  • Click on Back or close the screen to return to the Service listing screen.

Related Topics

Sales Services - Add a Service

Sales Services - Edit a Service

Sales Services - Delete a Service

Sales Services - View a Service

Sales Services - Link a Supplier

Sales Services - Add a Purchase Requisition

Sales Services - Purchase Orders

Sales Services - View Service Request List

Sales Services - Items Supplied Add / Link Supplier

Sales Services - Items Supplied Edit Supplier

Sales Services - Items Supplied Delete Supplier